Pharmaceutical Packaging

Let us organize your daily meds.

Gone are the days of filling up those massive pill boxes each week. Kohll’s offers multiple packaging options customized to meet the needs of both individuals and [facilities](/long-term-care), as well as single-dose unit options.

Individual Medication Packaging

Individual medication packaging at home lets you enjoy:

  • Monthly automatic delivery.
  • Medicare Plan D counseling.
  • Customized services to meet your needs.

Multi-dose Strip Packaging Option

Individual medication packaging at home lets you enjoy:

  • A monthly packing option professionally prepared by your pharmacist.
  • Easy way for patients to take the right medication at the right time, every time.
  • Strip packaging replaces pill bottles and bulky types of blister/bubble packaging.
  • Prescription and over-the-counter oral solids are organized by day and time of dose in clearly labeled plastic pouches.
view of Multi-dose Strip medication Packaging with a zoom-in inset that shows how each day's dosage is outlined in each daily packet along with the appropriate time to tack each medication

Blister/bubble Packaging Options

  • You no longer have to manage your refills—our pharmacy talks to the doctor for you to get the refill.
  • Blister packs protect medications.
  • Weekly dosages professionally prepared by your pharmacist.
  • No longer waste time sorting through multiple messy pill bottles.
Blister/bubble Packaging showing a weekly pill pack folder with the cover opened and four columns of color-coded pill dosages that are conveniently separated into daily dosages.

Consultant Pharmacist Service

Review each patient’s medication regimen looking for:

  1. Drug interactions
  2. Lab values correlating with drugs being taken
  3. Recommendations to physicians, nurses, and families

To contact us, use the form below or call (402) 895-7037. We provide packaging services for those living in Nebraska and Iowa.

Consult with a Pharmacist

Are you...?(Required)
Do you currently get your prescriptions from Kohll's(Required)