
Live life safely and stay on the move.

Be where you want to be. Do what you want to do.


Go on, get out there.

We work hard to bring you a full line of manual to power chairs and all the accessories you can imagine.

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icon for a power chair

Power Chairs

Standard and complex rehab power chair options are available for purchase or rental.

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The ultra-mobility hybrid, scooters are useful when you can walk short distances but need help for long distances.

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Stair, Vertical, and Track Lifts

We have a wide range of lifts for helping you move through the house.

icon for a side-loading wheelchair van

Wheelchair Vans

We have everything you need to fit your wheelchair or scooter in a vehicle—including the vehicles themselves!

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Canes, Walkers, Crutches

Find the style of cane, walker, or crutch you need to keep you steady while on the move.

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Wheelchair Ramps

Many shapes, sizes, and materials available, for purchase or rental.

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Rent or buy a manual wheelchair in various weight options.

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Equipment Repair

We’re happy to be able to offer repair services not only when you buy from us, but on any chair we’re licensed for.